
Thursday, July 30, 2009

Diverting Attention

Actually I gave up writing when I lost my first blog 4 years ago. It was very frustrating. I cherish every details in it coz it was my sanctuary. Well, back then I was crushed under piles of career loads, mixed emotions and confusions. I was short tempered, aimless and felt something amiss but couldn't put my finger on it. Therefore I found it surprisingly easy to blurt out my frustrations through my writings. I didn't blow out all the frustrations bottled in my gut directly on the screen, but I disguised it with common reports and stories.. the children, my daily highs and lows. It was quit comforting. Well, 3 years later I took a wonderful 180 degrees rotation. God knows how I battled them all; wounded with blood and tears. But what don't kill me, makes me stronger n_n.

Now, never been happier and content, I found myself blogging again. But for the different reason. Working flat on my stomach (i mean literally) most of the time. Nope, not working out, on the contrary I have the privillege of doing my online biz 'meniarap' in front the tv, slumps on the sofa or rolls on my bed (if my lazy mode is on ^^). I call it my mini retirement; a paradigm shift from my hectic accounting career of 10 years. 50% of my time devoted to my loyal laptop, 20% running biz errands and 30% cuddling with my family. Time flies by in a blink. Arisya is now 11, already 5 inches shorter than me. My god she already fits in my shoes (again literally ^_^). Arianna has lost half of her baby teeth. Outgrowing her garments every single month. She claims that she already needed a bra ;D. Well she got a point there. Her love for food is the main contributor (I pray not due to her drinking my cocoa collagen sneakingly when I look away ^^). Eventhough I hate it, I have to control her diet especially fasting month is around the corner. It would be heart-breaking to see her starving so I better prepare her for the ordeal n_n. Really.. how time flies. So it's a good thing to cut out another 5% for blogging again. Should keep me from drowning in my biz too much.

My Precious Brats

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