i knew it.. i knew it..! today i'm gonna get it. last saturday i received a call from my trainer "akak.. bila akak nk datang training balik ni? sebulan dah lapsed nih..".
frozen at first, stung by the familiar voice i've been dreading to hear this past few weeks (not that i'm avoiding him.. just that i don't want to feel frustrated being reminded about what i've been missing)
i blurted "ok..ok miro, next week kita resume. akak dah hantar mak kat rumah kakak. insyallah boleh"
"good.. camtu sy schedule akak time biasa ye. 8am monday, wed and friday k?" god.. those three days sounded like thirty days straight for me. i could feel the pain already.
so the next day, sunday.. i put on my fitness mood and pushed my lazy bump to work. i did a few yoga poses at 6pm. i sweat profusely with just a few basic routine. but i was still not satisfied. i knew i needed to make up big time. so after maghrib prayers, i jogged with arisya. i ignored the synical smiles of people in the neighbourhood. it may appeared unusual for them because all the makcik-makcik exercise their morning run after subuh.
i've told my hubby that that night i was going to bed early. we usually retire around 3 am everynight. but alah.. easy said than done. my hubby gatal2 invited my brother for a sleep over. dinner was late at 11:30pm. once at home i was glued to my online work. i even had a brief online meeting and discussions with my biz associate. sedar2 it was already 2:30am!! i quickly jumped into bed. but my again gatal hubby turned on sports channel. arggghhhh!!!
this morning when the alarm rang at 6:30am (i set it at 6:15am. i guess my poor neighbour had to put up with the 15minutes ringing ordeal. hehehe), i felt glued to the bed. i managed to round up the kids by 7:00am. i thought oh.. just nice. i will have time to warm-up on the threadmill for 20minutes. but again my beloved hubby did it. he took his own sweet time getting ready while whistling. ohh.. i almost shouted. when we got to the car i wanted to scream again. the petrol light was already on! fueling up cost my time again. 10 minutes to 8am i sprinted through DUKE. thank god for the highway. i reached exactly at 8:00am. while slipping into my sneakers in the fitting room suddenly i froze.. i quickly grab my handset and began texting to my trainer. "miro.. i just got here. gimme a few minutes will you.." slammed the locker door and i quickly run to..... the LOO! hahahha... sakit perut la pulak.. potong tul! well.. better get rid of all the potential distractions. we never knew what will happen on the training mat ^_^.
"selamat datang kembali kak.. lamanya x jumpa" greeted my trainer miro. i returned his smile fidgeting to see the equipments he had laid for me. as i expected it was a tough return. i always have my inhaler with me but never used it during working out. but this morning i inhaled 4 times! my god i'm so rusted.
frozen at first, stung by the familiar voice i've been dreading to hear this past few weeks (not that i'm avoiding him.. just that i don't want to feel frustrated being reminded about what i've been missing)
i blurted "ok..ok miro, next week kita resume. akak dah hantar mak kat rumah kakak. insyallah boleh"
"good.. camtu sy schedule akak time biasa ye. 8am monday, wed and friday k?" god.. those three days sounded like thirty days straight for me. i could feel the pain already.
so the next day, sunday.. i put on my fitness mood and pushed my lazy bump to work. i did a few yoga poses at 6pm. i sweat profusely with just a few basic routine. but i was still not satisfied. i knew i needed to make up big time. so after maghrib prayers, i jogged with arisya. i ignored the synical smiles of people in the neighbourhood. it may appeared unusual for them because all the makcik-makcik exercise their morning run after subuh.
i've told my hubby that that night i was going to bed early. we usually retire around 3 am everynight. but alah.. easy said than done. my hubby gatal2 invited my brother for a sleep over. dinner was late at 11:30pm. once at home i was glued to my online work. i even had a brief online meeting and discussions with my biz associate. sedar2 it was already 2:30am!! i quickly jumped into bed. but my again gatal hubby turned on sports channel. arggghhhh!!!
this morning when the alarm rang at 6:30am (i set it at 6:15am. i guess my poor neighbour had to put up with the 15minutes ringing ordeal. hehehe), i felt glued to the bed. i managed to round up the kids by 7:00am. i thought oh.. just nice. i will have time to warm-up on the threadmill for 20minutes. but again my beloved hubby did it. he took his own sweet time getting ready while whistling. ohh.. i almost shouted. when we got to the car i wanted to scream again. the petrol light was already on! fueling up cost my time again. 10 minutes to 8am i sprinted through DUKE. thank god for the highway. i reached exactly at 8:00am. while slipping into my sneakers in the fitting room suddenly i froze.. i quickly grab my handset and began texting to my trainer. "miro.. i just got here. gimme a few minutes will you.." slammed the locker door and i quickly run to..... the LOO! hahahha... sakit perut la pulak.. potong tul! well.. better get rid of all the potential distractions. we never knew what will happen on the training mat ^_^.
"selamat datang kembali kak.. lamanya x jumpa" greeted my trainer miro. i returned his smile fidgeting to see the equipments he had laid for me. as i expected it was a tough return. i always have my inhaler with me but never used it during working out. but this morning i inhaled 4 times! my god i'm so rusted.
Plank Pose

"naper ni kak.. kejap nyer plank.."
huhuhu.. i was dying in sweats and panting for air.. that was when i threw my puppy face card.
"pinggang sakit ke kak? pasal angkat mak akak ye? takper la.. kalo camtu today kita buat pelan2 dulu"
kehkehkeh.. that's why i opted for a male trainer. they may sweat you up with crazy strenuous exercise, but there's always a soft spot to hit. hehehe..
even so.. i was 'nyawa2 ikan' when it's over. even my panties all soaking wet ;P ^_^. the longest 1 hour ever. luckily after every session my trainer would skillfully massage me with a rubber roller. directly touched cannot la meh ^_^. i can heard krup krap but then ahhhhh.. so lega.. while i was walking shakily to the changing room, he said
"kak.. sebelum balik buat cardio dulu 20 minute. pas tu sauna untuk legakan sakit pinggang tu.."
uwaaaa... nak nangis aku.. so slowly i got on the threadmill and jogged for 20 minutes. almost cooked to 'well done' in the sauna coz i dozed-off for a moment. after i freshened up i stormed to Subway Sandwiches. haaa.. amik ko balas dendam.
i've already planned to sleep after zuhur. but since it's paying week, the orders were already flooding in. my aching joints already took it's toll.. so today everything i did flat on my stomach. i even wrapped parcels on my stomach to the floor ^_^. i finally managed to take a nap after the kangaroo guys collected my parcels. and of course waking up with my joints screaming in pain again...
nnti kau try pulak plank yg alternate tukar kaki tu..nak terberak rasa..hahahaha
ReplyDeleteapo tu?? meh gambar cni biar aku ready awal2.. huhuhu...