remember when i said my new resolution was to try and learn new stuff as much as i can? well this was one of my tiny leaps n_n
my friend Jaja came to my house one day to collect her sewing machine that i borrowed. we chatted about her runs and the marathons she's been participating and a few more to come in her schedule. she's an avid runner, marathoner and recently a triathlete. oh how i envy her energy and colorful life. and did i mention she climbs mountains too?? back in school we were both active in sports especially the cross-country. but even back then she was always a few steps ahead of me ;P. the nearest i could get to her was when i finished 3rd place and she was in 2nd place in our school cross-country run. huhuhu...
so... as always she would persuade me to try the runs. and i as always too i would quickly shook me head ;P. then suddenly she told me about this Walkathon for the Autism.
"alah shahidah walkathon jer. jalan2 jer takkan tak boleh, 3.5km jer. merentas desa sekolah dulu lagi jauh.." she said.
i was in the midst of my 'work in progress' chaos. my mind wondered about my datelines and in my head i silently calculated the back to back projects i've accepted. coincidentally i was a bit free on the event date. i looked at Arisya who was listening attentively to our conversation (she loves to quietly watch me chat with my friends ;P).
"hmmm.. kakak nak join tak? temankan umi jom?" i invited her.
she grinned and nodded.
and so we signed in. when Jaja left shortly after that suddenly my heart beat fast. what have i gotten myself into?? uwaaaaaa... ;(
we just managed to train a week before the event. that's because i have to complete the Sejadah gifts a few days earlier. i don't really fancy jog or walk outdoor. so we hit it in the gym. oh my god! we could only do 2km walk each time. i'm so rusted man.. even after i got off the treadmill my legs still felt like walking on the clouds. hahahhahah... i felt a bit petrified @_@
so, that morning we woke up eager to embrace our new adventure.. ewaaahhh ;P. but i felt a bit sad because arianna wasn't able to join us. she had to camp at school.
my sneakers gonna touch the ground for the 1st time ;P |
arisya was a bit sleepy v_v |
we arrived at The Curve Damansara 20 minutes before the registration closed. Jaja and her UIA team arrived at the same time. i followed the crowd and was amazed when we got there. we felt really overwhelmed by the crowd. frankly i felt the spirit and loving it. and those autistic children.. oh dear how i feel for the parents. they are superheroes.. all i could see was the love for these special souls. god bless them.
look at the crowd |
Arisya full of anticipation |
my hubby was kind to wake up very early on Saturday morning |
i feel awkward doing this outdoor. but it was such a lovely morning and most of the business premises weren't open yet. and the air was so refreshing. the first few meters i just took the atmosphere in, chatted with Arisya and enjoyed the pace. but when we started going uphill in the elite housing area, the fatigue has started taken it's toll on me. my shin was beginning to feel the burning sensation. Arisya was doing great and seemed focus. it was such a challenge keeping up with her long pace ;P. i was gasping and my mouth was dried from the constant inhaling. hahahhah..
that makcik behind me casually overtook me. how humiliating @_@ |
the last 500 meters was the biggest ordeal. i could see the finish line but yet i felt as if i didn't really close any gap. waahhh.. my mind was playing tricks on me. i swear the finish line was moving further and further from me ;(. so dramatic..hahahahah!
and finally we got there... arisya beat me a few meters ahead ;P. we were doing so well. i think we were among the first 10 to arrive. i think so laaaa... because lots of the participants cheated. they didn't walk but they ran instead ;P.
so proud of my girl for doing so well n_n |
the first sip was heaven ;D |
Jaja and team UIA |
thank you so much Jaja for the persuasion. wouldn't have the experiences if it weren't for you. i'm glad to have done it greatly. a pat on my back. ewwaaahhh ;P