
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Haaa?? I'm a grandma??

today me and my girls (minus busy hubby v_v) went to Sungai Buloh to attend my uncle's kenduri kesyukuran. even though the weather was like 100°F that afternoon, but what a day.. the foods were marvelous. me and my girls really stuffed ourselves n_n.

but what more exciting was meeting the crowd. my family on my mum's side is huge! my late grandma had 11 children. like other women in her days, she got married very very young. and the super healthy dietary that our ancestors practiced enabled them to get pregnant until 40++ years old.  so it was normal back then to have children with the same age as your grandchildren. so you can imagine how diversified my family tree is ;D. i can remember the names of my cousins but clueless when it comes to their offspring ;P. i only know whose child belongs to who if they're on their parents' lap.

so this afternoon of course a few questions arouse every time i saw unfamiliar faces. i saw my cousin holding a baby and i asked "abang mus.. anak siapa tu?". "anak si mohsin.." he replied pointing to my nephew who was devouring the satay behind me. i nodded at first but then i stunned "haaaa??? i dah jadi nenek keeeeerrrrr???" people at our table blasted with laughters upon hearing my remark. they started teasing me and laughed at themselves too because they realized that they are the great-grandmas and great-grandpas.

while i laughed louder with every single jokes erupted from our new discoveries and still overwhelmed by the fact that me being a grandma at 37, suddenly i saw my youngest cousin beaming at us with her adorable twinkle eyes. then i said "wahhh.. haziqah nenek muda laaaa!!"
can u imagine how it's like to call this super cute 6years old 'nenek'?? ;D

Friday, February 25, 2011

Shape Plus ads in Harian Metro today

i totally forgot that the ad is out today. so i wasn't prepared at all. my mobile phone is not even charged. i received the first call while frying arianna's pancakes behind the stove. after that both of my mobile phones kept on ringing with calls, texts and ym. what a tango.. i should've taken my shower early. huhuhu.. ;P

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Iklan kejap

Hey guys.. thought you guys might be interested. just click the pics to find out more..

 50% off 


hi everyone, we love the SECRETLEAF's slimming lotion so much so i decided to match it with Shape Plus as an added value. An extra boost to a terrific result insyaallah... ^_~


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

SECRETLEAF's Slimming Lotion

one thing i love about this product is that the scent is so refreshing and soft. even though its main ingredient is ginger extract, it does not produce any pungent smell like other products i tested before. what dreaded most women usually is the scent is too strong until it overshadows our best perfume. 

once i was in a meeting and suddenly my boss asked me; "are u ok ida?". puzzled by his question i replied "i'm ok. why do u ask?". then he said "oh no.. i thought u're having stomachache or something. coz u smell like ginger balsam". oh my god! i swear his statement almost made me hide under the conference table or jumped out the window of that 13th floor meeting room. luckily i could act casual and replied "ohh.. i experienced a blocked nose this morning and had applied some ointment to ease it" ;P

ok.. back to this amazing product v_v. another feminine touch it has is that this lotion is water based, and absorbed fully without leaving any greasy residue. it won't make you feel uncomfortable. after it's fully absorbed, you won't notice its scent anymore. in fact, it also contains collagen so it's soften the skin too. oh yes, it's not heaty but cool and refreshing.

my sister is slim but after having two kids she still have this mushroom top effect when she sits. after using this lotion for a week, she called me up and asked me to send her another bottle. she said she never had totally flat abs since she got married. this product solves her problem almost immediately. for me personally, i love it because it makes me go to the toilet regularly. i have a poor digestive problem and used to go to the loo once every 2 or 3 days. and most importantly, it's cheap!

SECRETLEAF’S Slimming Lotion is a liquid that contains active natural ingredients which helps to reduce body weight, eliminates cellulite and improves blood circulation. Efficiently reduces fat without side effects while maintaining the elasticity of the skin. Suitable for all skin type and it is chemical free.

Burning fat consistently and naturally without affecting the skin texture.

SECRETLEAF's Slimming Lotion is a light cooling gel with an empowering fresh scent that unlocks your beauty potential, reducing the appearance of cellulite and improving body contours.

  • Aqua
  • Lemon Grass 
  • Glycerin
  • Black Seed Oil
Apply SECRETLEAF'S slimming lotion onto the desired area, rub slowly until it's fully absorbed into the skin. It's a water based, non-greasy product. Contains collagen for the skin.

Registered under Biro Pengawalan Farmaseutikal Kebangsaan NOT100102139K
With 100% Pure Gamat Extract!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Folding clothes also got 'how to' mehh? ;P

i was tired reorganizing my husband's drawers and wardrobe. like other typical guys, he would only pull whatever top or pants he wants, and walk away after messing up the arrangement x__x. then there's my little arianna. omg.. u need a mountain size of patience to look at her stuff. arisya is neat and tidy. but eventually she also got fed up rearranging and putting everything back together. they share a closet so every time arin messes her stuff, arisya would also got affected.

so one day when i was browsing around for home improvements how to's (yes, i'm a DIY junkie n_n), i casually searched for wardrobe organizing. and i came across this video. i love it so much because it's simple and smart. 

now even arisya jumps to help every time i start folding the clothes. she was inspired by the video and has been rearranging her closet and book cases since then n_n. what i like about the arrangement is that it's easier to find what we're looking for. the stack up or tower arrangement i did before wasn't ideal because we need to flip layer by layer just to find an outfit. that's why my husband's drawer was such a catastrophe before ;D. now surprisingly the arrangement is hardly disturbed.

my husband's drawer  now. u don't want to see b4, trust me ;D

i hope you'll be inspired too ^_~ 

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Healthy and productive day. Is there something wrong with me? @_@

tonite it seems like i got juices in my brain running ;P. does this got something to do with a healthy schedule i ran today ? i'm not even half a "Martha Stewart" mum. i seldom cook, i go to bed very late so ended up waking up late on weekends. but today........

firstly i woke up early and didn't continue my nap after subuh prayer like i used to. extra curricular activity in bed is a good reason to stay awake ;D. 

then i fixed a hearty breakfast and served it at 8:30am @_@. my astonishment didn't stop there.. i even cooked for lunch after running the morning house chores!! twice cooking a day?? (apa punya mak la ni ;D)

then i took the girls to SK Keramat for Taekwando lesson coz their clumsy mom forgot the  actual training yesterday but took them to the movies instead. huhuhu ;P. the training ended at 5:30pm. 

Arianna never failed being sloppy

i called my sister earlier today inviting her to take the children to the recreational park. after asar prayer at niza's house it's already 6pm and the sky showed it'd be raining any minute. but we went ahead with our plans anyway not to disappoint our children. 

Faiz's 1st time badminton game

we barely had 20 minutes at the Ampang Recreational park coz it started to rain. took the children to Papa Rich and rewarded ourselves with mouth watering meals. 

we got home 15 minutes before 9pm, even stopped by the laundrette to collect my laundry. i guess the shower at 10pm revives me again. i don't mind because i managed to update a lot of things in my e-store.

and now, it's 2:30am in the morning. i better put a stop here before this adrenalin drag me any further. otherwise i may oversleep tomorrow (or is it today?;P) so i've compiled all the great testimonies in my e-store. you may view them here.. nitey nite  ^_~

Friday, February 4, 2011

180 degree flip

wow.. it has been a year since my last posting @_@.. a very unusual case for a chatter box like me ;P. ok la.. since this year i suddenly have this urgings of doing new things, i guess it'd be nice to kind of record it somewhere, yes? recently my interests have been changing into something more mellow and additive. i'm completely so into DIY. the most shocking one to those who know me is that i start sewing. yepp.. no kidding ;D. i don't take any class whatsoever, i just sew. t-shirt revamping, garments make-over and not to mention arin's teddy surgery ;D. most of the ideas came from Youtube. and i just use the mini sewing machine i bought at a hardware store ;P

 arianna's t-shirt make-over

talking about getting online ideas, i'm so frustrated to notice that there's so little tutorial, tips, especially the how to's are being shared by our local sites. for an example educational sites for my kids. i can get hundreds of math magic sites from UK or US. but none from Malaysia, sighhhh v_v. the only available portals are the paid ones. recipes memang melambak la ;P. lately i do find some tutorials about tudung sewing and other DIY crafts. praise to u ladies! but i think we need more..

so from now on, i plan to share as much tutorials as i can get in this blog. and you are very much welcome to contribute yours here. whatever you have! beauty tips, housekeeping.. the more the merrier. just email your ideas/tutorial pics or videos to me at the most unique and interesting one will receive a gift from me ^_^.

the first tutorial i would like to share is of course how to make a sling bag out of t-shirt like i did above. don't worry if u don't have any sewing machine. just watch this tutorial video and see how simple it is to create one on your own. so enjoy this tutorial from yours truly..