yes.. finally i got new tenant! my hubby was so worried for the past two weeks. we received lotsa calls but couldn't meet up due to both parties' different free times. so last wednesday when a girl responded to our ads, we just agreed to meet up that night.
she's still young, a student. she came with a man.. who claimed that they are friends. but this guy did a lot of queries instead of her. so after simple negotiation they agreed. to my surprise this guy payed out the total sum. so me and my hubby exchanged looks and raised eyebrows ;D. but before that we made a point (warning was the best word actually) that we deal with the girl only and we assume she'll either be living there alone or get lady roomies. no hanky panky business. the guy face's blushed at my outspoken remark but he has to digest it la.
that night i took the opportunity to take some pics of my house. first time in 10 years.. so next time should we need to sell it (which we are considering) or renting again, it'll be more convenient.
Entrance view. Your own walk way to the front door. So you won't be bothered by passers by or nosy neighbour peaking through your window.
View from front door.
The utility area. Some owners convert it to a room. Some just prefer placing their home theatres or the dining table.
My favourate.. the balcony faces Sunway lagoon and Sunway Pyramid. The night view is a steal!